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- Description
The Trial Pack includes 4 delicious and nutritious mixes: Choco Almond Pancake, Banana Almond Pancake, Choco & Dates with Jaggery Drink Mix, and Almond & Dates with Jaggery Drink Mix. Made with natural ingredients, these mixes are perfect for busy mornings or a quick snack time, providing the right balance of taste and nutrition
- Choco Almond Pancake: A healthy snacking option that helps promote bone health, provides a natural energy boost, and aids digestion. It's a great alternative to sugary snacks and keeps little ones full of energy
- Banana Almond Pancake: The perfect snack for kids, supporting muscle development and providing long-lasting energy. It’s gentle on the stomach and great for digestion
- Choco & Dates with Jaggery Drink Mix: A tasty, healthy replacement for sugary drinks. It boosts immunity, supports bone health, and provides natural iron, making it ideal for growing kids.
- Almond & Dates with Jaggery Drink Mix: A delicious, sugar-free drink replacement that promotes bone strength, enhances digestive health, and provides a steady source of energy throughout the day.
This Trial Pack is a great way to give your kids healthy snacks and sugary drinks alternatives that taste amazing and are full of nourishing goodness
Weight - 50g each pack, shelf life -6M